Monday 13 August 2012

Going wrongish

OK so we left you with tyre smoke and a fifty yard dash in to the local A&E department...and the scene that greeted me was one that I didn't expect....monitors and tubes etc everywhere...I could go into the gory details but I'll leave the gore for horror writers.....but the good news was that the little one was hanging on in there.... Off for a scan just to confirm and then a couple of days in hospital just for safe keeping.....what brought this on, nobody knows, however my wife did bleed from about week six. Any parent knows the significance of that and what to expect, although it's no longer bed rest......

Anyhow back to the situation in hand...the scan showed that all was well and there was still fluid in the sack, although this now means weekly scans and constant monitoring until delivery.....Yes I can hear you thinking the same question that went through my mind and not for the first or last time.....

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