Thursday 16 August 2012

Even more wrongish.....

So I took the rest of the day off and we milled over everything we’d heard and learned that day....this is now scary and we’ve still got weeks to go.....Friday night and all is well, a few twinges and a little blood loss but nothing too much....Saturday arrives and it’s much the same, only today is Eurovision and we all know what that means....Yep a festival of xxxx ...................

So picture the scene my wife on the bed in some discomfort and I’m not talking about the TV...I’m ironing....yes men do was a case of having too as I was down to my last clean and ironed shirt.... head down, tail up....couldn’t even tell you who won or lost or whether we got nil points again....

Wife still in a lot of discomfort and getting more and more anxious as the evening progressed, the bags were packed for another night in hospital just in case....and thank goodness they were.....

Through bouts of bleeding and broken sleep, my wife had a very disturbed 2am Sunday morning all hell broke wife is sat on the toilet in absolute hell, the pain was unbearable and there was nothing that could be done, the bleeding had intensified...Well I say nothing could be done....I dialled the emergency services and within 5 minutes the whole street was lit up by the Ambulance Service. Although didn’t know who needed the “Gas & Air” more my wife or the paramedic who just carried his entire car boot up to the loft and forgot the “Gas & Air”....So it’s more tests etc and off to hospital we go....only this time my wife in the back of an ambulance and I’m tearing down our road in front of them whilst they turn around...the joys of a cul-de-sac....

On go the lights, the neighbours curtains twitching, and we’re off....mile and a half in 2 minutes, I pulled over, and let the ambulance past and the rapid responder followed me, so there I am in the middle of a blue light stereo cranked up to the top waking up the entire neighbourhood with sounds of Pink Floyd...the track of course had the immortal line “we’re just two lost souls swimming in a goldfish bowl!”

So dear readers, I’ll leave you with that thought but not “Wish you were here.....”

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