Monday 13 August 2012

A little more wrongish

So it's home for bed rest, signed off work and wallop..the job my wife loves so much has to be sidelined...but at least it's for a good course....Even more scans, ultrasounds and now blood tests for both of us to determine various related factors, you see we both opposite blood groups which can cause problems for the woman...results to follow, but the medical team aren't taking any chances...more injections and tests....Week 13 passes, week 14 passes, week 15 passes, week 16 passes week 17 passes then crash, week 18 and the bleeding intensifies and it's back to the hospital for more tests, scans etc, in hospital for a few days then home then back in as bleeding intensifies...Friday week 18 and its off to see the special care baby unit as there consultants plans are to deliver at 24 weeks and pray..... By this point I'm beginning to feel very nervous, family live 200 miles away, and how do I share what's happening with friends...Beginning also to feel very marginalised by the hospital staff....fathers, I know will understand what I mean by "Third Class Citizen"...but hey I attend every appointment and stick my h'penny in for what it's worth.....Home on Friday after the SCBU and I took the rest of the day off.......

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