Friday 14 June 2013

The hurt never goes away, nor does it dull…

OK so it’s been a long time since I last blogged something, the trilogy has also taken a bit of a back seat for obvious reasons, so here goes…

It’s just over 2 weeks since what should have been our daughter’s 3rd birthday, only this time we made the decision to leave Grace with the child-minder and go alone…it’s a tough decision to make as Grace is part of the family but we didn’t want her seeing us getting upset…given time we’ll tell her that she has an older sister but at the moment she’s too young to understand, although we do mention Emily in our prayers every night before settling Grace down to sleep. And it gave us some time to be together and actually go to the cinema…yes OK we went to see the new “Star-Trek” movie, at 09:30…!!!

Sleep, the one thing every parent needs, at the moment we’re getting between 6 – 8 hours a night depending on what time we turn in and what time Grace stirs in the morning…it’s now around 05:15hrs which is great because I leave for the Metropolis at 07:00hrs, so who needs an alarm clock when you’re on baby-time….

Before returning to the blog a bit of sad news, we lost our eldest bunny last month and our foster bunny has gone to her new home to be with a widower bunny. That leaves us with just four little (little, they’re all bigger than our neighbours toy dog) scamps who we’ve had for over six years now…they came to us at 8 weeks as two pairs…but that’s another story that was on my previous site… which has sadly now closed.

Still getting back to matters in hand, Grace is now walking or rather running everywhere, feeding herself and the floor and generally being a very bright 18 month old little girl with an unfortunate passion for Peppa Pig…who (Peppa Pig) reminds me and here I must be showing my age of the child in the Clarks shoe ad on TV who says “When I grow up, my mummy said I’m going to be a proper little madam.” I think the word “precocious” springs to mind….and I sometimes wonder if she ever did. 


Grace is showing signs of being musical just like her dad, she already plays tunes on her piano and sings along in tune…so I’m going to have to put a padlock on my music cupboard when she gets older and buy her, her very own guitar, piano etc...just leave the bass playing to dad. I suppose an early (pre-birth) grounding in good music doesn’t go a miss as the song goes… “We don’t need no education”……


Will try and write more next month but would like to get my novel finished (just hit 10,000.00 words) so I can turn it into a prog-rock concept album…go on you can say it “Dine-Saw”

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